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Donteriya Hogan
Race: The power of illusion-episode 2
The Power of Illusion episode 2 is a documentary focusing on the 19th century and its slavery issues. This
episode is told by various historians, authors, and anthropologists. Thomas Jefferson, President Jackson,
Samuel Morton, and various races were mentioned throughout the episode giving insight on the reality
of what he believed in.
The Race: Power of Illusion episode two is based during the era of slavery, which the first fifty years most
of the American colonies, most of the laborers were European indentured servants, many of them toiled
on tobacco plantations in the wretched conditions. Planters faced a labor shortage this led to a
replacement with Africans. The idea of them running away made it hard because they did not blend in
with Europeans hence the skin color. The class of Europeans were once defined on your status and
wealth. When Africans came onto for labor purposes, poor and lower whites immediately began to
identify themselves as middle class/rich. Giving Africans the lowest/poorest class.
The main audience of this is everyone/anyone who takes interest on the topic of Thomas Jefferson, the
19th century, and the slavery era, and Indian territory. Thomas Jefferson wrote all men are created equal,
but based on his actions it was clear that he believed blacks were inferior to whites. He even focused on
science to tell the world that Black men, women, and children. This is to keep slavery at the attention of
the nation for America.
The purpose is to shed light on the agenda of Thomas Jefferson, President Jackson, the document drawn
up in this time benefitting only whites. The main purpose of this documentary is to make those who
watch it aware of history, constitutional documents, and those in charge.
The main subject in this episode is politics. It gives insight on various topics in history, but brings the
conclusion back to politics, and government officials who made all of history happen.
The tone of this episode is very informative. The mention everything from Mexicans, Indians, whites,
blacks, and how they were in the 19th century. It focused on status, race, wealth, rights to that race, and
the land they obtained.